Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ice Cream Shindig

You're invited to Amy's 'Ice Cream Shindig'!
  • Saturday July 3, 2010
  • Hugs, Kisses, Laughs, Music, Tears (optional)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting ready to go

Amy has asked me, (THE mom, Cindy Harmer) to manage this blog while she serves a mission with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

She will be serving in the Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission. She enters the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah on July 7, 2010 and will return home to San Jose in January 2012.

Every week, she will e-mail our family and I will post her e-mail here, on the blog. I'm looking forward to hearing about her experiences, the pictures and learning about all the people she'll meet from all over the world.
Here we go!! :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Best friends are the best!!

I LOVE LAUREN QUINN!! I'm so fortunate to have such a wonderful person in my life!