So, that's this weekend.
Week 2: Nicolio!! McKenz!! + Steph love week!! :) Mi amiga is getting married!! Wahoo!!
Week 3: Move out week (trying to help 1,300 people move out of their apartments over the course of a few days....imagine that. Who knew that could happen on a semi-regular basis?!) + Loads of bitter-sweet goodbyes. Students that have made a difference here will keep on growing and improving their communities in new places. :)
ALSO Week 3: NCYLS!!! Words can't express my gratitude for NCYLS. I love it. It's one of my favorite things. And the actual seminar is like a weekend of magic. So many special people gather for the most incredibly transformational, energizing and inspiring weekend anyone could imagine.
At the end of the day, here's what it's about: figuring out how to love people a little bit more. In a discussion format, six Latter-day Saint women spoke about how we can bring up children in light and truth. Lots was discussed in these short 12 minutes. A woman in her late 70s shared what she thought was important in how we treat children:
"I think that's one of the main things we can make them feel, is what they mean to us. How wonderful they are. And that they are so precious"
Bam. That hit me. Do the people around me understand, and really feel, what they mean to me? Do they understand and feel how wonderful they are? Do they understand and feel how precious they are? If not, what am I doing about it?
I am grateful for the eternal plan that a loving Heavenly Father has provided for ALL of His kids. That plan has helped me understand that we are all His children. His children that He wants to see again someday. I think He misses us. A lot. Maybe that's why it's so important for us to understand and feel that we are loved.
AND for kicks, my best friend is awesome.
We ate the most delicious treats this weekend. She had fresh caramel ice cream. I had some "frescas con crema"...a little strawberries with cream. There is a new mexican ice cream shop down the street from me. I am obsessed. It's DELICIOUS!!! So many fresh flavors!!
here is the memory:
And if you want some more's been a summary of my life as of lately:
Just a normal hike in the forest
RHA Banquet 2013
Area 2 Team!!
Chick flick night with Mama. A little Roman Holiday, a cozy blanket and warm socks. Nothing beats that!