Friday, July 30, 2010

Hola Hola! ! :)

Hola Hola!! :)

It's another beautiful day here in sunny Provo. First of all thank you so much (again!!) for all of the sweet notes, thoughts, and warm wishes!! It's always so nice to hear from home.
Mom and Dad--I am reading all of your silly comments every day. It doesn't even seem like we haven't stopped talking on the phone! I love it. Oh and Mom, here are my 5 top favorites of "the little things":
1) baking in aprons
2) looking at really old pictures (especially at the hair and clothes) laughing and telling stories.
3) Farmer's market--the crew, the samples of oranges and pitted fruits, and the awesome folk music players who usually have scraps of paper with pictures and info inside sheet protectors.
4) Exploring new towns/ cities/ shops/ PLACES....just ADVENTURING!! :)
5) Early evening walks
I sound like a grandma. (not like I haven't heard that one before...MOM). I love these things so much. It was really nice reading your list!!! :)

Nicole--you are so hilarious!! I can't stop snickering in classes about the hallowed out corn husk issues. WoWWwwwww...
And Lisa, Tiffany, Paige and Grandma & Grandpa...I will be getting back to you all sooooonnnn...Thank you all for the fantastic letters. I will be sending some paper love ASAP.

It's been a really incredible week. On Wednesday, I started my Visitor Center training. (There are over 30 sister missionaries in my class (which is pretty huge for a class size here at the MTC. It's usually about 10-15 people per class).Most of the sisters are going to Temple Sqaure, but about 5 are going to Winter Quarters (a pioneer site in Omaha, Nebraska) and the Mormon Batallion site in San Diego, CA---hey Lisa! :) whoop whoop!!)

Visitor Center training has been a really incredible experience. There are women from all over the world in my class!! Besides all over the U.S, we have sisters from Austrailia, Germany, Hong Kong, Finland, Switzerland, The Philppines and Mongolia. It's pretty incredibile to be surrounded by so many amazing women. One of the sisters, Sister Wu, is from New York City and was born in China. She shared with me a little bit about her background one day at dinner and how she got to be here, serving a mission. Her story is a HUGE contrast from mine. Sister Wu joined the chuch about 5 years ago in New York. None of her family supported her decision. So, when she chose to serve a mission, her family became even more upset. They consider this next year and a half a waste of her time and money. Her goodbyes with family and friends didn't seem as happy and warm as mine did. After sharing her story, I was so impressed with how much courage she had to follow her heart, no matter if she had received support from others or not. She has such a strong conviction about the wonderful experiences people have when they choose to serve others and knows that her family will be blessed too.

Sister Wu's story made me really think about how grateful I am for her and her awesome example of sacrifice. I am also SO SO grateful for ALL of my loving friends and family who really love me no matter what path I choose. It's really refreshing to have so many wonderful people in my life, from school, work, LIFE....etc....who really love me for me and support ME. I keep feeling so grateful for all of you!! THANK YOU for everything.

Here's the scoop for this week. Saturday, we all get to go to Temple Square for a half day of on site training. I move to Salt Lake next Wednesday, August 4. I don't know when I'll be e-mailing again, but after about a week or so, I'm sure I'll have a more set schedule.

Thanks for all the love and support.

Love you all,
Sister Amy

Shoot I'm out of timee!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hello World!!
It's me again. Sister Harmer. Amy. Amerooski. Sister Sister. (Just don't call me late for dinner)....

Thank you all again for another incredible week of love, thoughts, prayers and sincere warm wishes. I can feel them!! I feel so so fortunate to have such a loving group of friends and family all over the world. :)

A few updates:
-- I leave the Missionary Training Center on August 4, 2010. I will be moving up to Salt Lake that day. :)
-- Next week, I will be e-mailing on Friday (instead of Wednesday).

So, a few things I thought I'd do--this may be really random, but I want to squeeze it all in and don't have much time to write. SO, follow along. You're in for a ride.

Last week my LOVE of a friend, Lisa Elizondo (hey you sassy thing!) wrote to me and asked me a few questions that I thought were worth responding to here. (THANKS LISA for the wonderful preguntas!! And like I said before, I will write you back via today!! :) ) I've gotten asked a few other questions in letters and e-mails a few times, so I think I'll address them all now.

Question #1: What's the food like at the MTC?
Answer #1: Here's what I usually eat (OBVIOUSLY not all at once...sometimes):
-cereal (Life, All Bran...the works)
-custom made wraps (I love sprouts, feta and kidney beans in mine. Key ingredients)
-FRUIT!!! (oranges, bananas, apples, you name it)
-salad (I love the strawberry almond one)
-egg rolls
- buttermilk rolls
- DESSERT (now, this is SO stereotypical, and I usually don't feed into (pun) Mormon stereotypes, but it's so fitting: Mormon people know how to rock dessert) I LOVE the ice cream bar on Wednesday and Sunday and Lauren Quinn, it's true. The gospel...and the rice krispie treats. THEY ARE HERE!! In their gooey, buttery splendor. I've only had them once, but it was a special moment. (I thought of you Quinnie!! and was smirking the whole time!! )

Question #2: What's the coolest thing you've done?
Answer #2: I think one of the coolest things I've done here has been learning. I have such a wonderfully affirming feeling that I know this is where I am meant to be right now in my little life. It's really really cool to understand some of those reasons every day. In little ways. It's hard to explain, because it's like having an inside joke with yourself (and for me, with my Heavenly Father). Every time I figure out an "a-ha! that's why I need to be here, now" moment, I smile. I love how life does that.

Question #3: Have you gained weight?
Answer #3: I hope not! I have been really watching what I eat, while still enjoying my dining experiences (thank you Willow Street!!) haha! I go to a workout class every morning from 6-6:30 and often work out at the gym on my beloved favorite: the crosstrainer! (Lisa!! Tiffany!!)

Taking a page from Oprah's book, here's something that I know for sure:
- Planning helps in life! "I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don'te set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principles of setting a goal, he will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life". Elder M. Russel Ballard

I know that's true. I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true too.

I love you all so much!! Thanks for everything!!!
-Sister Harmer

Sisters Carlton and Harmer (Amy MTC companion)

Sister Harmer with cousin Elder Young (he leaves for Mexico Monday 7/26/10)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010



WHEW!! Technology. I have about 20 minutes to crunch out a weeks worth of experiences....this should be interesting.

I GET ALL YOUR DEAR ELDERS!! SEND them!! LOVE THEM!! (I 'Cindy' will explain how you use this form of communication at the end of Amy's letter)

I am here at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah. I'm loving it here. There are about 2,000 people from all over the world (200 of which are Sister missionaries. So about a 1/100 ratio). I have made friends from Austrailia, Germany, Tonga, and all over the world. It's pretty surreal to be in a place where all of that is possible. Everyone is so respectful. Doors are held open, please's and thank you's are used, and encouragement for PEOPLE is everywhere. I love it.

Life here is really crazy. I wake up at 5:40am to make it to my workout class. Love it. I have been to yoga, aerobics, the gammut. (sp?) We are in a groups of about 9-10 people called a "District". I have a companion, or a permanent buddy-system Sister missionary. Her name is Sister Carlton. She'll be my companion for the rest of my time at the MTC. She's fabulous. Sassy. But that's my style. She's only been a member of the Church for about 6 years too. She is a wonderful person. I see my cousin Craig Young all the time. He's awesome. He's getting ready to serve in Tampico, Mexico. We spend time together whenever we can.

THANK YOU so much to everyone who sent me some LOVE. Hopefully, I will be getting around to writing out some letter responses to all of you. So, for now, just know that I got your sweet words and kind wishes.
Stephanie and Dave Kroupa--you rock my world. Fantastic way to get the ball rolling. I was cracking up.
Bishop Knudsen--thanks for the awesome updates! Keep them coming! :)
Paigey Poo--love you. Thanks for such thoughtful words. You are really a gem of a friend.
Bishop McAdam--you're awesome!! I loved your stories and updates. I was so happy to hear from you!!
Brother and Sister Woodland--thank you for your really lovely note and stories!! I loved them!
Ressaa Elizondo!!---LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!! BCBG!! YES yes yes!! Go for it girl!! That sounds so fun!! And I am so proud of you Teach!! Expect mucho grade de mail...con stickeros. :)
LAUREN MARLEY--EXPECT a humongo response from me via POSTAL. I love you. Twitter Tweepppp....Hhahahahha!
Grandma and Grandpa-- I love that....Life gives us time and space. You're so sweet. That was what I needed. :)
Dad--Loved hearing about the Punching Elder. SO FUNNY. But awesome. And thank you so much for the updates. :) Love you!!
Mom--I am so proud of you for studying PMG!! You are so sweet. Check out the awesome quote from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland on page 185 in the middle about listening. GOOD STUFF. No joke--I wear the pink robe every day. I love that thing!! Haha!! And let's check out the moon at (Utah time)....either 6:00am or 9:30pm. Whatever you can make it to. I'll be doing the same. I found Britney Spears! So we're in the clear.

Well people, I'm still the same old me. I go around singing Whitney Houston, Simon and Garfunkel, Beyonce, some E-40, a little Aerosmith, Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and when I'm in the mood,Blink 182. :)

Love and miss you all!! I hope you're doing well!!

Take care and be good to other people,
Sister Amy Harmer

Dear Elder Information (It's FREE)
For those of you interested in writing Amy an email that she will receive the next day at dinner time. Please go to
Click tab 'write a letter'
Under Letter Selection 'choose Provo MTC' and click Write a missionary'
An envelope will appear, fill in your own personal return address
Here is Amy's Address Information to fill in
Sister Amy Harmer
MTC Box # 255
Mission Code UT-TMSQ
MTC Departure Date 8-4-10

Tab and enter your email address, and tab to the empty box and write letter, push the send when you are ready to send it.
She will receive the emails the following day at dinner time.
Thanks for all your love and support

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 1 -- The Adventure Begins

Wednesday July 7, 2010 we took Amy to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) Provo, UT this is where she will be for approx. 4 weeks, learning what she needs to know prior to going to her area to serve in Salt Lake City, Temple Square. She made the goodbyes fun, of course it's Amy. She will be able to email this next Wednesday, we will be updating her blogs every Wednesday evening with Amy news.

Monday, July 5, 2010

We're OFF :)

It's Mom reporting in on Amy's farewells and departure. We wanted to thank everyone for all the love and support they have shown the past few weeks from phone calls, to visits, and all the rest. It has been an overwhelming feeling of love. We really know that Amy has been raised by a village. This morning we leave for Salt Lake City and she enters into the Missionary Training Center (MTC) this Wednesday. We should be receiving her first of many e-mails which I will post weekly starting in about a week.

Also, some of you may be wondering where the title of her blog came from: 'THE' Amy. Well let me explain.... Last year when she was living in Denmark, her Danish friends were chatting with some people who vaguely knew of Amy. Amy tried to explain to the new people who she was. She told them that she was the girl from California studying abroad. You know, Amy, the Amy that people talk about. After her Danish friends heard her call herself "THE Amy" they occasionally (lovingly) teased her for her bold self-description. From then on her Danish friends have referred to her as THE Amy. It just kind of fits and has stuck with her. :)

Again thank you, and we love each of you. I know she has shared her blog address with many, please pass on the address to those friends who might be interested in sharing this experience with Amy.