Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hello World!!
It's me again. Sister Harmer. Amy. Amerooski. Sister Sister. (Just don't call me late for dinner)....

Thank you all again for another incredible week of love, thoughts, prayers and sincere warm wishes. I can feel them!! I feel so so fortunate to have such a loving group of friends and family all over the world. :)

A few updates:
-- I leave the Missionary Training Center on August 4, 2010. I will be moving up to Salt Lake that day. :)
-- Next week, I will be e-mailing on Friday (instead of Wednesday).

So, a few things I thought I'd do--this may be really random, but I want to squeeze it all in and don't have much time to write. SO, follow along. You're in for a ride.

Last week my LOVE of a friend, Lisa Elizondo (hey you sassy thing!) wrote to me and asked me a few questions that I thought were worth responding to here. (THANKS LISA for the wonderful preguntas!! And like I said before, I will write you back via today!! :) ) I've gotten asked a few other questions in letters and e-mails a few times, so I think I'll address them all now.

Question #1: What's the food like at the MTC?
Answer #1: Here's what I usually eat (OBVIOUSLY not all at once...sometimes):
-cereal (Life, All Bran...the works)
-custom made wraps (I love sprouts, feta and kidney beans in mine. Key ingredients)
-FRUIT!!! (oranges, bananas, apples, you name it)
-salad (I love the strawberry almond one)
-egg rolls
- buttermilk rolls
- DESSERT (now, this is SO stereotypical, and I usually don't feed into (pun) Mormon stereotypes, but it's so fitting: Mormon people know how to rock dessert) I LOVE the ice cream bar on Wednesday and Sunday and Lauren Quinn, it's true. The gospel...and the rice krispie treats. THEY ARE HERE!! In their gooey, buttery splendor. I've only had them once, but it was a special moment. (I thought of you Quinnie!! and was smirking the whole time!! )

Question #2: What's the coolest thing you've done?
Answer #2: I think one of the coolest things I've done here has been learning. I have such a wonderfully affirming feeling that I know this is where I am meant to be right now in my little life. It's really really cool to understand some of those reasons every day. In little ways. It's hard to explain, because it's like having an inside joke with yourself (and for me, with my Heavenly Father). Every time I figure out an "a-ha! that's why I need to be here, now" moment, I smile. I love how life does that.

Question #3: Have you gained weight?
Answer #3: I hope not! I have been really watching what I eat, while still enjoying my dining experiences (thank you Willow Street!!) haha! I go to a workout class every morning from 6-6:30 and often work out at the gym on my beloved favorite: the crosstrainer! (Lisa!! Tiffany!!)

Taking a page from Oprah's book, here's something that I know for sure:
- Planning helps in life! "I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don'te set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principles of setting a goal, he will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life". Elder M. Russel Ballard

I know that's true. I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true too.

I love you all so much!! Thanks for everything!!!
-Sister Harmer

Sisters Carlton and Harmer (Amy MTC companion)

Sister Harmer with cousin Elder Young (he leaves for Mexico Monday 7/26/10)