Saturday, September 4, 2010

"All that and a bag of chips"

This is Amy with Carlee Rodriguez who entered the Missionary Training Center last Wednesday, she will be serving her mission in the Washington State Spanish Speaking Mission. Carlee and Amy used to play Volleyball together, Carlee's mom Sheila was the coach :)

It's been another exciting week here in Salt Lake City. I've been lucky enough to meet more people from the Bay Area, Denmark and even some unconventional places like Prague and Pittsburg......

Today's e-mail is 3-fold.
1) ~Shout Outs~ (It seems like this title has caught on in my brain...and I think I'll keep it)
2) Catch phrases (from California to Argentina)
3) Love love love

1) ~Shout Outs~
First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY MEREDITH!!!! YAY!!!!!! I know that the river that runs between our distant hearts is full of vegan birthday cake. : ) Yum!!!! And we can eat it with all of the Res Life silverware we can scrap from programs! I love you!! I wear my club t-shirt ALL the time when I am working out. I get lots of questions about it, "Oh, what club is that? An environmental activism club heh? That sounds really amazing!" ME: IT IS!!! (and so is my fabulous friend who --no big deal-- piloted this program) I love you Ems! I am so proud of you and I think of you often!! I will hopefully be sending you a lovely hand written note of love sooooonnnn... Until then... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have a FUN week!! :) I think of you ALL THE TIME!! LOVE YOU!!!
---Tiffany: Tiffany Call. My heart is heavy for you. I am thinking about you Tiff. You know I am. Thank you for your e-mails. You'll be hearing from me soon, via letter. Don't forget to write those tender mercies down. I love you.
---Mom, Dad, Nicole and Brett: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I got that wonderful box. And it was perfect timing. Utah weather is bizarro. The day the box came was the first really cold moment...perfect weather for a jacket. :) Tender mercies! And thank you for the incredible letters this week. I loved hearing about Donna, Dewey and all the sorts. :) love you all!
---Lisa: You are such a LOVE!!! I really appreciated your floor plan/ diagram. Wonderful. Loved it. You are quite the artist. You have a wonderful way of capturing the real vision. I can just see you and Muong prancing about. :) I love you so much Lisa Loo. I'll be writing you back sooooonnnn.... :)
---Paige: PAIGE!! Thanks for all the updates!! I am so excited that you and Steph are living together!! FUN!!! I can only imagine what that will be like.
---Chelsea: Meatloaf vs. Fishsticks....oh the flurries of living with grandchildren. You are so hilarious!!! I
---Vans: I love you! Got your fabulous letter! Since when did we have a Danish professor at Sonoma!??!?!?! Hooray!! No wonder we love SSU so much!! Tell him about "hygge". You'll get an A. :) Love you Vans. I miss your guts. Thanks for the love Lady!!
---Grandma and Grandpa Davis: Thank you so so much for all of the sweet letters!! I love them! They always make my day. To answer your question (re: letters vs. e-mails)...I love them both. At the same time, I often have a little more time to read letters (as my e-mail time is short). But I always read them all!! :) I love you both so much. I hope you are doing well!! The gardens here at Temple Square remind me of your gorgeous yard!
---Maire: Don't think that I have forgotten you or your terrible experiences with Dr. 90210 from UCLA. I am going to write you back soon. I hope you are doing all right!! I have been thinking about you all week friend!! I wish I could be there and give you some Matilde and a Res Life sized "get-well" poster. Love you Princess Maiiireeeeee....
---The Woodlands: Thank you so much for thinking of little old me! :) I get so excited to see your thoughtful cards in the mail. THANK YOU!! :)

2) Catch phrases (from California to Argentina)
Here are some of the catch phrases I found myself saying this week, then needing to explain their meaning to my companion from Argentina:... (so funny).
-"Too cool for school"
-"Move it or lose it"
-"All that and a bag of chips"
-"The bomb"

3) Love love love
Thank you all so much for thinking about me. It's really wonderful here. I am meeting people from all over the world. Something that everyone notices when they come to Temple Square is how beautiful it is here. Most of the time, people really notice the beautiful gardens and how peaceful it is. Today, we met 4 people from Pennsylvania. They were football fans, librarians, friends, catholics, and overall, wonderful. It was so wonderful talking with them. They were so refreshing to talk with them. They were so respectful and genuinely kind people. I love meeting new people!! All day!! They recognized how they felt here. And I love that.

Feelings often speak louder than words ever can.

So wonderful.

I love you all!!!

Until next week,
Sister Amy