Friday, October 1, 2010

May the cows call home and sing a MOOooOOoving rendition of the classic, "It's your daaaayyyy....its yourrr birrrthhhdayy... mmmaaayyyyy aAAAlaaaaalll your dreams come true! :) Love you!!!

And I quote.... "Baby Jesus! Baby Jesus!! Look Mom! It's Baby Jesus!!"

That's what a little girl was saying last night as she was sprinting up to a huge painting of Jesus and Mary in Bethlehem. At first I thought I was caught up in a scene from Talladega Nights. But no. Just pure simple love for Jesus. I think I love the things that kiddos say here at Temple Square the most. Pretty candid. Pretty real.

With that......

This week has been fabulous! I LOVE and adore Sister Kemsley. She is a breath of fresh air! Sassy and poised. Artsy and refined. AND she speaks Arabic!! I am so glad she knows Arabic! She likes to recycle too!! :) I appreciate her love for every single person we meet. No matter what.

Just to put everyone's nerves to rest, I received my flu shot this week. (Mom, you may now sleep with peace). Hooray for vaccines!

AND surprise treat of the week: I was able to attend the LDS General Relief Society Broadcast. AMAZING. The Relief Society is the largest and oldest women's organization in the entire world. It was incredible. I got goosebumps. To be honest, it's a bit of a challenge to explain what it feels like, so I'll try to paint a picture: IMAGINE: 20,000 women, all singing songs like, "Count Your Blessings", hearing words of encouragement, guidance and peace, and all from incredible women who are strong and respectful.... and then, in addition to all that, we were able to hear the living prophet. It was really a wonderful experience!! We definitely had a mini-tailgate of sorts beforehand. About 8 of us got together and sat outside in the warm, Utah weather and ate our dinner. Sandwiches and brownies. So delish. Thanks Mom for the brownie mix. J

After that, I am SO excited for this upcoming weekend--LDS General Conference. 21,000+ people come from all over the world. I like to think, "Well, what kind of environment would be here if Moses or Abraham or Noah were planning on speaking? What would I do?" I would try to find out what they said! That's for sure. And that's what's happening this weekend. The whole entire world has the access to hear a living prophet--via the internet, TV, radio and I'm sure a bunch of other avenues. I just have the privilege of being here where that will all take place.

You can find the LDS General Conference online at after this upcoming weekend. Maybe you’ll get goose bumps too. J

And here’s the bottom line for the week: I am grateful. I am really grateful for all of the friends and family members in my life. All of you. You’re all wonderful. Weird. And wonderful. And everyday at Temple Square, I meet people from all over the world—and it’s easy to love them, because most people remind me of someone I’ve met before. I am so grateful for CALIFORNIA!! Especially the Bay Area.

Please talk to people. Everyone. And more than that, LISTEN. People need listeners.

I’m so grateful that I can talk to my Father in Heaven anytime, anyplace. It’s wonderful to know that we all have a listener every second of every day. Hooray for God being a full time listener!!

Hooray for Nicole and Brett and Gummi!! TREAT!!
And thank you Montie and Margaret for all of your LOVE!!
Stephanie and Michael—you two rocked my week month. Sorry Steph if me clobering your face with my hand was weird. Thank you both for the loves!!

And to the following people….you will be hearing from me shortly!!!
Lisa-Loo-Who (I can't believe all the new juice!! And I am so SO proud of you + those (I'm sure) adorable kids!! You are perfect for this Lisa), T-Call (Michael Kors was a nice touch), The General (MB!! Hold down that Willow fort!!) and others…..

Love you all!! Cozy up!! It’s starting to become HYGGE weather!! J

-Seester Ahhhhmmeee