Saturday, November 27, 2010


People people people....

Happy day oh happy day. It is full fledged winter. 100%. W-I-N-T-E-R. Yup. Cold. Freezer status. I keep debating if it's colder here or in Copenhagen. The verdict is still out. Here's the thing though, I honestly can't complain. If we ever get cold at Temple Square, we simply scuttle over to a nearby historical building of warmth and peace and voila! Warm again. Then the walls--the walls that have heard the cries of those historic pioneer babies who didn't have electric blankets to go home to--those walls raise their eyebrows at me a little. So, no bellyaching from me. Jack Frost does seem to enjoy the occasional strangle though. No nipping at the nose. Strangle I tell you.

OK. Well with that, some fun World. First of with birthdays and all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRETT SIMS!! Yup. Tuesday, November 30. (Mom and Lauren...can you give him a call? Say happy birthday! THANKS!)

Tuesday night was ludicrous. If you haven't heard, Utah experienced a blizzard. Yup, just like those drinks at Dairy Queen. Blizzard. Storm. Snow. AKA, we went home early and had a snow day! Thus, we made a yum dinner and chocolate/raspberry cupcakes (thank you Madre via Cake Works). So fun. It was really nice to just "be". No cares. No worries. I caught up on some reading, some thinking, and some quality bonding time with the roomies.
My companions and I got to go to the Music and the Spoken word this week! It was the Sunday before Thanksgiving, so it was really special. BELLS! Orchestra! Choir! =Amazing.
For Thanksgiving, President and Sister Holmes really provided us with the feeling of "home" and "family". And for about 180 sister missionaries from all over the world, I bet it was quite the task. We got to go to this amazing events venue in Utah called Noah's. They have a theatre room, a pool table, a racquetball room and a huge dining area. We watched Toy Story 3 (and we saw the preview for Cars 2...stoked), sang karaoke and even had that good old fashioned pumpkin pie. Even though we felt super fancy, the best part was really having all 180+ of us together for a huge chunk of the day. That doesn't happen often. I sat next to Sister Tizhanina from Russia during dinner. It was so nice to talk with her about typical Russian foods and some of her family's traditions. That's what Thanksgiving is all about. People. Yeah, yeah...the food is nice, but really, it's people. Although I love me a nice thin crust veggie pizza from Willow Street with goat cheese (yum), that's not the reason I'm obsessed with Willow Street. It's about the people. People people people. Thanksgiving is about being thankful for the people who have shaped who we are. That usually, for me can be bundled up into family, friends and the Savior. (No gift receipt required...) (But sure, gift wrapping can be available upon request.)
So, today is Black Friday. We went to the local mall to check out the scene. AND...the best part of the day for me= finding out that the Beatles are now on iTunes!! This is Revolutionary! (pun). Seriously! Happy day!! Beatles. Ugh. The world just improved a little.
Here's my favorite video of the week. I hope someone out there in creepy cyber land likes these as much as I do. This is Sergio. Southern California native. Scientist. Ph.D. and a...yup, you got it, a Mormon. Sergio-- I like it because he's a man of science and a man of faith. We meet people all the time at Temple Square that have a hard time finding that balance. It's possible!!
I'm definitely learning a lot while being here. One of the things I'm really appreciating is sacrifice. Like, "for what?" I'm surrounded by sacrifice. The pioneer's legacy that runs so thick here. They walked from the east coast to Utah, for their faith. The sister missionaries from really unique parts of the world that come to dedicate 18 months of their lives to help people learn more. My family and friends who keep my spirits high with notes of encouragement (and those celeb updates that keep me in touch with the weird, and fabulous, world). And especially now, as we enter the Christmas season, Temple Square is surrounded with all these things that help turn our thoughts to the Jesus Christ, the ultimate example of sacrifice. But for what? I guess that's the question that brings me the most "thanks". When I think of the sacrifices from others in my life, I like to ask "for what" a lot. It helps me keep perspective and really remember what's important in life.
I love you all so much. Thank you for being some of the best family and friends in the entire world.

Hermana Amy Magoo.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The bread guy who gave me a free cookie

Helllooooooo World!!!

Well. Let me tell you. I have just had way too much fun picking my favorite pictures for the week. And wouldn't you know, I'm picking for time. AND I have SO much to talk about!! Thus, it came to pass, bullet points. This week, I'll be brief. Simple and to the point. Maybe you'll read all the way through. :)
Sister Everett from Hawaii!! (I included a picture...its the one with me, Sister Fox and a Hawaiian...use your best judgment to figure out which one it is)
This is probably THE news for the week. Sister Everett will now be joining Sister Fox and I! Yup. Trio. As if 2 sister missionaries aren't intimidating enough, add a beautiful Hawaiian. She's fabulous. She's almost done with her mission actually. She leaves in a few months. She is the oldest of 4. She's from Oahu. She loves life. Really laid back. Simple. Powerful. Focused. Needless to say, she makes a great addition to our team. :)
We talked to Ron. Almost 40 years old. He was in an accident over 20 years ago. Has ADD. Wants to make better friends in his life for the first time. He prayed for the first time with us. Afterward, we asked him what that felt like to pray. His response: "warm tingles".
Inner Jimminy Cricket
This is what one woman at Temple Square described to us as her conscious. I've come to understand it as the Holy Ghost, guiding my life. I like how she termed it though--"our inner Jiminny Cricket". We've all got that ability.
Susanne and Pernille
A huge highlight of my week was a surprise package from Virginia!!! I mean Denmark? :) THANK YOU SO MUCH Susanne and Pernille!! I almost started to cry!! But I was laughing with too much 10-year-old giddiness. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. To be honest, it made a few of the other sisters a little jealous. "Who'd you get a package from? Your family?" Me: " Danish family". I love you so much!! Thanks for thinking of me!! Save a seat for me this Jul with a plate of aebleskiver...I wish! DANSK JUL HYGGE!!! That's the BEST!!!
Aunt Suzie! (Oops. Definitely called her Aunt Ruth)
I gave Aunt Suzie (Uncle Ray's sister) a big hug on the square the other day! It was nice to see her. She was leaving work. Funny thing is, she doesn't sing in the choir any more. She's retired. Aunt Lisa, why didn't you tell me?!? I have been looking for her next to the organ for years! Ugh. Alas, we cleared things up. Temple Square has a clarifying effect on people. And speaking of news...I heard about Uncle Ray's surgery. Yikes! I hope you're feeling better!!
Bells on Temple Square= tomorrow @ 7:30pm
This one's for Mom. They have a bells performance. I thought of you. You love bells!!
Mom--Danish Rugbrod!!
What a fun box! Thank you so much for all of the treats and LOVE. I am excited to try the random corn on the cob situation. Haha!! I actually gave one of them to a random guest we met. He was so great. Very Sonoma style. Bike. Beanie, TOMS shoes. Bracelets. Open mind. Curious. We shared more with him about some of our history and basic beliefs, then later, when we saw him on our way home, I gave him one of the corn cob kits. He loved it. THANKS MOM!
Dad--Barack Obama Thanksgiving card
No words. Just lots of smiles. Happiness. Joy. THANK YOU!
Lauren--tape. Pork chop!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED the tape. Obsessed. It felt like you were in the room talking to me. I was laughing audibly. And really more like loud sqwaks. I loved the story about Pork Chop. Oh...the inner turmoil. You'll be getting a response eventually. Thank you for your patience and understanding with this regard.
As missionaries at Temple Square, one of the things we get to do is invite people all over the world to learn more about some of the history and basic beliefs of our faith. Well, I called Tonga this week my friends. The guest told me that their friend's name was Choice...or so I thought. (In my head= "wow. what a fabulous Tongan name") She's a busy lady. Works a lot. When I called, she asked me to just e-mail her. I did. "Hi Choice, etc..." Her response began with, "Thanks for the e-mail. It's great to hear from you. By the way, my name is really Joyce". Oops.
Carl Bloch @ BYU
Another fancy surprise this week was a mission activity/ field trip. Yep. Field trip. I was STOKED. I put my hand over my heart when we passed the Pleasant Grove offramp. I about started to sing. Almost. Not quite. But here's the thing people: CARL BLOCH. FYI, he is a DANISH artist. I was kind of freaking out. Original pieces in a gallery. I was quite nostalgic and very grateful that day. Denmark + Jesus + Art = a very good day for one Amy Harmer. I had a couple favorites. One of them that really stood out to me was depicting a young girl. It's about the story in the Bible when the girl dies, then the Savior comes and heals her. I loved it so much because Carl Bloch didn't choose to paint the miracle of the Savior healing her. He painted the moment right before. When everyone was really really sad. Anticipating something better. And in the background, Christ is about to enter the room. HOPE. I think we can all relate to those moments. Hope when we hit a low point. Then, for some of us, we find that hope in Christ's example. His atonement. His teachings.

Video clip of the week
I'm a little obsessed with the new and soon the new Here is my favorite video for this week: it's of a real woman. Artsy. Sassy. Classy. And she's Mormon.
I'm thankful for
The bread guy who gave me a free cookie the other day.
Silly Bandz
Heavenly Father
Pumpkin things

~Off to another week~ TAKE CARE!!
Seestrrr Amy

Friday, November 12, 2010

~~Hooray for Winter!!!~~

First of all…I must say to one and all…I’m so sorry for not being better at individual communication!! There are so many of my friends and family that I haven’t written to yet! In months! But please know that I think about you all the time!! And I’m trying to get letters out.

I don’t have much time to write home during the week, and when I do, a big chunk of it I spend writing this e-mail. But, with that said, if you write to me, I will write back…eventually. Way eventually. (sorry!) And I can write back via paper letter (that’s the best. Most sincerely hyggelit). So if you write me e-mail wise, please send me your mailing address and I can get back to you.

Now…back to what I was saying…..…~~Hooray for Winter!!!~~

So, yesterday was my companion’s, (Sister Fox) birthday!! Hooray! We are going to CafĂ© Rio tonight to celebrate. I’ve never been, but I hear it’s yum yummers. (Says my pregnant hermana). Sister Fox is a doll. Very sweet. She kind of reminds me of Paige Knudsen. You know, always has something nice to say about other people. And every once in a while will surprise you. For example, precious Sister Fox was the captain of her high school boys wrestling team. Go figure. Sassy.

I’m grateful for technology. I think it’s kind of funny. God has a bit of a sense of humor methinks. You know, 18 months later, Amy Harmer may not know all the words to the latest Beyonce, but she will still be able to insert hyper-links and format spreadsheets like nobody’s business. Ugh…I miss Beyonce. Queen B. Love her. (P.S. I saw the new Taylor Swift CD at Target. I had to wipe off the drool from my face a little bit). I’ll be ready for grad school (or credential school) right when I get home.

I’m so grateful for this experience. I really am. At first, I was tired. ALL the time. Now I’m still tired, but not as much. And I keep meeting people from all over the world who are curious to know if there’s more to life than what they are living. I love this video (from about Daisy (CLICK HERE to see it). Most of the people I meet are like her. In fact, she reminds me of a lot of my friends. She’s happy. Loving family. Great morals and values. And then curious to know if there might be some more to life. More purpose. More happiness. More. And I love what she does. She finds out FOR HERSELF. That’s what I had to do. I’m serving a mission because I figured out that I am not just walking around being happy. I’m still figuring it out. It’s taking me a long, solitary (and consistent) journey. But over time, I’ve come to know a few things. For myself. I am a child of God. We all are. It’s that simple. God really exists. He knows us. And wants the absolute best for us.

This week…I am thankful for Patrick. He’s homeless. He frequents one of the corners at Temple Square. I am grateful for him, because most nights, on our walk home, he is sitting, playing his harmonica. With a big toothy grin. And whenever I say “Have a good night Patrick. It’s good to see you”, he responds with, “ Good night Sisters” + an over exaggerated eye roll + that same big toothy grin.

Thanks for everything!! Don’t let the Christmas camels overshadow the Thanksgiving turkey. On the reals, let’s not forget Thanksgiving.

Love you all!! MUCHO GRANDE!! Keep it real and fresh!!

-Amy Carol

Saturday, November 6, 2010

~~Hej everyone~~

Well well well. Halloween has come and gone. To some, I wore the spookiest costume ever- I was a sister missionary. Ha! If you would have asked me 3 years ago, I would have said so myself. Oh, life. Well, a humongo CONGRATS to my buddies the San Francisco Giants!! I am proud of you!! I'm sure you all read my blog. Attached like glue. Hooray! I will eat garlic potatoes (closest thing to fries) in the near your honor.

Here is a picture of (left to right) Sister Peets from Canada, Sister Javier from Arizona/Mexico, Sister Fox from Massechuetts, and Sister Harmer from San Jose, CA.

A few of us got to go do a little community service. WHICH, if you know me at all, is my volunteer style of choice. Pretty fun actually. We got to help clean up/ tear down the Haunted Village at Heritage Park here in Salt Lake. Post-spook week. So, here's me thinking...ok. No big deal. I'll put skeletons in a box and call it good. NOPE. We went into this old pioneer vintage house. Inside= the creepy doll room. Cheese cloth + spider webs + doll limbs + creepy doll eyes = our adventure. So fun actually. And they had creepy music that played in the background of kids laughing and playing. I thought it was a brilliant creep factor. I'll throw in a picture or two.

Check out this week--bullet points methinks...

  • THANK YOU Tiffany for the Halloween treats and LOVE!! You'll be getting a leetttttteerrrr!!

  • One of the things I do now is talk with people who come online and have questions about the church. Well, if that's the case, I'm sure you all know, we're bound for weird-os. One guy came on and was asking for dating help. When we told him that unfortunately we weren't dating experts, he replied, "Well, a friend of mine said that he came on to this site and got some really good advice. Can't you help me? Come on. Mormons date, right?"

  • Sister Fox and I met a wonderful couple this week. My heart was a little bruised for them. I think they are misunderstood by the world, big time. But they reminded me of SO many pieces of different friends of mine. They were in their late 20s. Kind of grungy. They had been traveling for a while. Dahlia, Josh and their precious black lab puppy, Gravy Train. (a name I love). They were both wanderers of sorts. I felt like I could relate a little to my traveling days in Europe. You really rely on human kindness when you are on your own. Josh was raised in a Mormon family. He even reported proudly that he had attended 5 years of seminary. (4 + a make up year). Dahlia was raised in a Jewish home. She even lived in Jerusalem for about a year. Now, they both are this wonderful wandering spiritual couple. Even though Josh didn't consider himself a member of the church, he wanted to stop by Temple Square on their travels. He wanted to visit the Temple. We talked, shared some warm conversation and they were on their way to find a motel for the night, before it got too cold. We went down to the kitchen and I grabbed my unimpressive excuse for what I had packed dinner. Before they left, I gave them the bag with an orange, some yogurt, some bread and of course some chocolate. I remember those travel days! France= Corn Flakes.. Loved them. I hope I can meet them again someday. I am so curious to see where their journey takes them.

Love you all!!

Miss your guts! Hooray for THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!

I better start my "I'm thankful for...." in these e-mails. :)

Love you all so much!!
-Seeesterrrr Ahmmeeee