Saturday, November 6, 2010

~~Hej everyone~~

Well well well. Halloween has come and gone. To some, I wore the spookiest costume ever- I was a sister missionary. Ha! If you would have asked me 3 years ago, I would have said so myself. Oh, life. Well, a humongo CONGRATS to my buddies the San Francisco Giants!! I am proud of you!! I'm sure you all read my blog. Attached like glue. Hooray! I will eat garlic potatoes (closest thing to fries) in the near your honor.

Here is a picture of (left to right) Sister Peets from Canada, Sister Javier from Arizona/Mexico, Sister Fox from Massechuetts, and Sister Harmer from San Jose, CA.

A few of us got to go do a little community service. WHICH, if you know me at all, is my volunteer style of choice. Pretty fun actually. We got to help clean up/ tear down the Haunted Village at Heritage Park here in Salt Lake. Post-spook week. So, here's me thinking...ok. No big deal. I'll put skeletons in a box and call it good. NOPE. We went into this old pioneer vintage house. Inside= the creepy doll room. Cheese cloth + spider webs + doll limbs + creepy doll eyes = our adventure. So fun actually. And they had creepy music that played in the background of kids laughing and playing. I thought it was a brilliant creep factor. I'll throw in a picture or two.

Check out this week--bullet points methinks...

  • THANK YOU Tiffany for the Halloween treats and LOVE!! You'll be getting a leetttttteerrrr!!

  • One of the things I do now is talk with people who come online and have questions about the church. Well, if that's the case, I'm sure you all know, we're bound for weird-os. One guy came on and was asking for dating help. When we told him that unfortunately we weren't dating experts, he replied, "Well, a friend of mine said that he came on to this site and got some really good advice. Can't you help me? Come on. Mormons date, right?"

  • Sister Fox and I met a wonderful couple this week. My heart was a little bruised for them. I think they are misunderstood by the world, big time. But they reminded me of SO many pieces of different friends of mine. They were in their late 20s. Kind of grungy. They had been traveling for a while. Dahlia, Josh and their precious black lab puppy, Gravy Train. (a name I love). They were both wanderers of sorts. I felt like I could relate a little to my traveling days in Europe. You really rely on human kindness when you are on your own. Josh was raised in a Mormon family. He even reported proudly that he had attended 5 years of seminary. (4 + a make up year). Dahlia was raised in a Jewish home. She even lived in Jerusalem for about a year. Now, they both are this wonderful wandering spiritual couple. Even though Josh didn't consider himself a member of the church, he wanted to stop by Temple Square on their travels. He wanted to visit the Temple. We talked, shared some warm conversation and they were on their way to find a motel for the night, before it got too cold. We went down to the kitchen and I grabbed my unimpressive excuse for what I had packed dinner. Before they left, I gave them the bag with an orange, some yogurt, some bread and of course some chocolate. I remember those travel days! France= Corn Flakes.. Loved them. I hope I can meet them again someday. I am so curious to see where their journey takes them.

Love you all!!

Miss your guts! Hooray for THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!

I better start my "I'm thankful for...." in these e-mails. :)

Love you all so much!!
-Seeesterrrr Ahmmeeee