Hello World!!
This week...brevity.
Spare you the computer glare-stare-sore-eyes.
First of all----Week one Mckenzie!!! (my apologies for the misspell last week). HOORAY! Isn't February awesome??
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIFFANY CALL!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!! SO OBSESSED WITH YOU!! There is a Reason we are friends!!! I LOVE YOU!! THANK YOU for the sweet little package of love!
Happy birthday to Scott Morgan too! Go get the boat!! We're going.
Yep--Sister Hirata and I met 6 Southern Baptist women from Alabama this week. Loved them. Sister Hirata couldn't understand a word. Their accents were pretty strong. Good old southern bells. Hilarious too.
Best moment of the week--I called a woman named Hattie from Wyoming. She's amazing. She works at McD's. She has 3 children. A 7 y/o, a 3 y/o. Her third child died a few years ago. He was only 3 y/o. He had cancer. We talked for a little bit and she shared with me how her 7 y/o had been asking a lot of questions about God lately. One of the best things as a missionary, is we get to promise stellar blessings, with confidence. I promised her that she would be able to see her little one again. That this life isn't it. There is an awesome scripture int the Book of Mormon:
Alma 40:11: "Now, concerning the state of the soul between death and the resurrection—Behold, it has been made known unto me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life."
Good stuff. I love the Book of Mormon. It's a book filled with beautiful promises from God. I'm grateful for that.
This video reminded me of Hattie: HERE.
Take care everyone!! I love you all! Do lots of kissing this week. It's Valentine's day for goodness sake.
Love love love!!
Sister Aunt