Thursday, March 31, 2011

Life in General

People of the world! Every boy and every girl....aahhhhhh.....(yep. Shameless plug for the Spice Girls)

•I hope you're all enjoying this gorgeous spring weather!! YAY FOR SPRING!! The flowers are out!! And the birds are around! True story: there is a darling quail family here on the square. They remind me of Quincy and Griswald from Sonoma--the quails that frequented the neighborhood there. Spring= happy!

•THANK YOU MANDY!!! I got your package!! I am kind of obsessed with Penn for starters. When I first saw the box with your name on it, I grabbed it and gave it a giant hug! I miss your guts. Sorry I don't write more. I'll try writing you this week or next. It definitely sounds like you've been going through so so so much lately. Just know that you are on my mind and in my heart. Big time. Thank you so much for thinking about me and the incredibly thoughtful box full of Mandy. :)

•Thank you Margaret, Lashelle, Grandma & Grandpa for all of your sweet love and support this week! You have no idea how grateful I am for all of your updates, support and LOVE.

•This week has been going really well. We've been really fortunate to meet so many incredible people from lots of different faiths. We've met a wonderful Jewish family, a former baptist pastor (who now claims to be a protestant to all organized religion), Roman Catholic travelers, Irish Catholic business people, spiritual westcoasters (just my type) and so many others. So many wonderful people!!

•And this weekend, we're expecting about 100,000 people for General Confrence. 100,000!! That's huge. The conference center holds 21,000 people. 2 days. 4 meetings. It's going to get CrAzY!! Here's a great link that I really liked about the Behind the Scenes of General Conference. So much work goes into the Conference. The conference is translated into over 100 different languages. All the work that goes into General Conference is really a huge example of how important the messages are that are shared.

•STEPHANIE: Hey!! Guess who I saw? No, not David Archuletta (although I did see the primary General Presidency at the temple last week...) Jonathan Hodgman! Yep. Your kin. Sister Douglas and I were at Hagermann's (one of my favorite sandwich places) and he came in to visit some of his friends that work there. Yay! He likes to say the word, "indeed". I like that. And he bakes at Great Harvest! Yum. Love bakeries.

•EVERYONE~~This is HOT off the press. Temple Square is now showing the latest version of the Joseph Smith, The Prophet of the Restoration movie (click to see the link), in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. AND, here's the best part. It's online too!! You can learn more about some of our history and basic beliefs all in the comforts of your living room, or cafe/iPad action. You choose--I would go with the latter. I love love love this movie. It is such a great summary and introduction to so much history. After watching, I definitely had a huge appreciation for the pioneers. They sacrificed so much. So so much. It really made me think about what kinds of sacrifices I have made in my life. And what for? Whether it's been my school, work, friend, family, or personal choices, have I really tried to sacrifice something for something better? I hope so.

•I met Swedish people this week (who knew some of my friends in Denmark!!). After talking with them for a while, I started crying. HA!!! I am ridiculous. I was just telling them how grateful I was for Scandinavians and all the kindness and love they showed me while I lived there. Yea, I'm kind of obsessed with Scandinavia, but hey, a huge chunk of my heart lives there still. I learned SO so much about myself and LIFE while I was there.

•I miss Saturdays in San Jose, California.

•I miss Quinnie, Lisa Loo, T-Call, Brittany Agulerria and Princess Maire. So much.

•Today, Sister Douglas and I are getting manicures. We're going to go treat ourselves before conference craziness. :) I'm thinking hot pink.

•And HiChews are my favorite Japanese candy. So delish. If you're ever at an Asian market, eat them. SO good!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE you all!! Thanks for everything!!

Sister Amy

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Gaga for Spring

Hola Hola Hola,

I love this week. Gaga. General Conference. Grand old time.
•I am missing my amigas back home. Spring brings out the fun. And I miss my friends. I want to play. Sooner than later that will happen. Alas, there is still a lot of learning I have yet to embark on. :)
•Sister Douglas and I got to go to Music and the Spoken Word this week. A treat. Fancy treat. AND, we got to sit super close in the section for people with special needs. I felt pretty much VIP. No big deal. I felt like rosin dust flying off the violins might have impeaded my vision a little, but other than that... :) Kidding. They were spectacular. Gotta love the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
•Jose. From San Jose, Mexico. Near Monterey. I am from San Jose, California. Near Monterey. A lovely Baptist man. Here for a conference about medical supply stuff. We got to chatting. He wants to lear more about some of the incredible things he saw and felt here at Temple Square. Loved Jose. From San Jose. (Prose?)
•LOVED the picture of Big Mac. I love how she's gnawing on her wrist in 2/3 of the pictures. Nice touch. Nom nom nom. She's so cool. I'm kind of obsessed with her already.
•LADY GAGA was in town this week!! Happy happy day! I was so glad!! Her concert brought all sorts of visitors to Temple Square. We met these three FABULOUS people from LA. They couldn't get tickets to her concert in LA, so they figured, hey, road trip to Salt Lake. Loved them. They were SO nice. Recently baptized as born-again christians. Grew up Catholic. And they love Gaga. I love Gaga too.
•This week has been pretty interesting. I suppose it's the anxious/peaceful calm before the storm. Temple Square is getting ready for General Conference. General confrence brings with it 21,000+ people each day for at least 2 days. Here is a link to learn more about what General Conference is all about.
•I love that we support self-reliance. Go green! Be sustainable! :)
•I went to the Temple today. I loved it. There are so many stereotypes of people who are LDS. Sometimes at Temple Square, my role has been defying those when people get to know us. "Oh. There's only 2 kids in your family? Oh. You've graduated college and aren't married? Oh. You love Jesus Christ AND Lady Gaga?" Yes to all my friends. But here's the scoop, the Temple is my favorite place. It's there that I can really feel close to the spirit. The stereotypes and labels of the world vanish for a second, and I can just be. It's my favorite place. I love temples. Here is more about temples.
Love to you all!!!
Sister Harmer

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy St. P-Day!!


I love it. Anyone can love a Saint. Even Latter-day Saints. Pun. Oh man. Girl's still got it.

Big time thank you's to Tiffany for the package og Elpida! Jeg elsker slik! (I hope I spelled that danish is a little rusty...) So great to hear from you!!! Made my week!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUONG!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!! Make a pile full of sushi!! :) I miss you so much! We are going to party party back in the Bay Area in 2012!! I miss you, Lisa and Mandy SO SO Much!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the updates and support Bishop McAdam, Grandma and Grandpa Davis, Grandma and Grandpa Harmer, Margaret, Vans, Sarah B. and Casey!!!!

TIFFANY and JENN! Oh man---I definitely saw you both. I wanted to bolt so bad. Those people we were with were 2 Roman Catholic lawyers from Maryland. No big. Just introducing them to the pioneers. They were SO so nice!! I loved them. Then literally right after them, we met a group of about 10 college students from Iowa who go to a reformed christian college in Iowa. They were here with their pastor from Salt Lake and wanted a tour. Also SO nice. Loved them.

We met Ken from Michigan yesterday. He's hilarious. He was listening to the organist here practice. He had a fancy black earring and thinning hair. And he could pick out the different pitches. What pipes were playing and everything. Catholic. Usually plays the organ for funerals in his town. Such a big heart full of charity. He misses Juanita--his ex-girlfriend who died a few years ago. He told us that every once in a while, he feels her nudging his shoulder, keeping him in line. Loved Ken.

Sister Hirata's family in Sendai, Japan are safe. And so is her house (miracles of serving missions) About 10 minutes from her house is a disaster. And the airport=ocean. So...she's not sure about how she'll get home. The transportation there is a mess. She might stay an extra transfer (6 weeks). We'll see what happens...

Miracle of the week: we met a guy named Luis. He was looking at the JS timeline while the movie was on. WHO does that? No one. Except miracles. Luis is 19. Former Catholic. Just joined the church--to his family's chagrin--last month. He told us about how hard it was to do something that his family didn't support him doing, but he felt was so true and so right. LONG story short...we got Luis's number....for Dawson. Dawson is 18. From Seattle. Same situation. But Dawson is at the very beginning of his journey and he feels super alone. We've been teaching Dawson over the phone for a while. Dawson called Luis. JUST when he needed Luis. And just when Luis needed him. It was beautiful. This work is divine. Sister Douglas and I got to watch it all happen.

Thank you all so much for a wonderful week!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE you all!!! I feel SO LUCKY to have so many wonderful friends and family!!

Thank you for everything!!!
~Sister Amy Patty~

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring in 3D

I need some new catchy greetings--Hello, Hi and Howdy can only take me so far....

FIRST OF ALL......INEZ og Calle. Me gusta su babino. SO CUTE!!! OH my gosh!! Hamster face!! I love her!! I am SO looking forward to coming back ASAP. You have NO idea. It's kind of ridiculous. I miss Denmark so much. Now, 10 times more, knowing that I have a niece. Haha!! TILLLYKKEEEE!! WEeeeEEEeEE!! I am so proud of you both! Best parents ever. Eya is probably the coolest Scandinavian ever already.

AND BRITTNEY!!! You are an intern for FOX!!! (got your linkedin thing...) YAYAYYYAYAYAY!!! I am SO SO SO proud of you!! I love you so much!!! You'll have to tell me all the juicy news!! I am seriously so proud of you! You're following those dreams!! Keep on doing that Britt!!! Love you!!

So, this week had some quirks. There was a man watching some of the cheesy "Family. Isn't it about...time?" commercials with 3-D glasses. Made my week. Doesn't take much. Oh visitors centers.

We had a bit of a bummer this week. Bummer turned adventure. Scooter (the new name for Sister Douglas's wheelchair) got a flat! But that can't ruin a day. It definitely made a few hours interesting. We borrowed another wheelchair from the visitor's center and packed into one of the cars. We headed over to-where else?--Bingham Cyclery. People. I entered and grinned. Back to Northern California. People there liked the outdoors, they loved nature, they loved their canteens, and bike bells. What a day. We spruced up Scooter real quick. Fresh tires for spring! Yea!! Just in time for General Conference.

I really don't have too many crazy things to talk about. Just how I'm pretty grateful. I'm really learning how to let people serve. Go figure. I come on a mission expecting 18 months of self-less service...and BAM. I think that my definition of self-less service has gotten a bit of a face-lift. (I love face-lifts) I really realizing that empowering other people to act for themselves is SO much more helpful than simply doing something for them. I think that's one of my Achilles heals--I always try to help. But my version of "help" is not always very helpful. I'm really learning that being a support, a resource and a guide is the most helpful thing I can do--rather than bulldoze my way around situations. Whew! It's like untying shoes with cold fingers. Delicate and sometimes a little painful...but always worth it.

Unselfish SERVICE.---Great video all about that. 2 minutes.

That's much how it's been as a missionary. If people really want to know if our unique message is true or not, the most helpful thing is to let people experience things on their own. Study. Pray. Attend church. Receive that personal revelation. All on their own.

I assume that's much like parenting too. Oh my gosh...Bella will be a MOM soon! Hooray for puppies!!! you all to bits!! Take care! I'm off to the grocery store and Jimmy John's. Never been there before. But hey--here goes nothing.

-Sister Springtime Fan Harmer

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy Clam + Crystal Light

Hey-o World!

So...lots of changes. I hope you know--I am getting pretty used to change. Ha!

This is my 6/12 transfer. And I have yet another teaching companion. This will be my 8th companion. God knows me. He knows I'm a people learner. My new companion is Sister Douglas. She's from Atlana, Georgia. Yep, she loves potatoes...and peaches. She is amazing. She's been here since December-ish. Sister Douglas is super SWEET. We've only had one day together, but I think she's getting used to my quirks. Like my obsessions with all things Denmark, Willow Street or Northern California. Or my adoration for tin foil.

I only moved one apartment over. Hot diggity dog. Yep. Very nice. And hey! Sister Douglas has a wheelchair, so the washer/dryer is a new front loading duo. NICE! I am a happy clam. Not clammy. Clam. It's dry in Salt Lake City.

Some happy birthdays are in order!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VANS!!! YAYAYAYAYAYA!!! I hope Kelsters takes you out to The Pub for a slamwich. OR...I hope someone comes into your apartment and brings you brownies. At 11:00pm. And writes on your walls. "". :) LOVE YOU!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEAN!!! HOOORRAYY!!!! What are you even doing for your birthday? Are you eating potatoes? Maybe a nice German Chocolate Potatoe cake. Or potato fondue. Scratch that. Make it Potato FUN-do. Maybe you can go to the zoo. And feed the giraffes birthday potatoes. Oh man alive. Let me know how you're doing/ what you're doing! Happy birthday!!! FELIZ CUMPLEANOS PAPAS FRITAS!! OLE!!!

So some of this weeks highlights:
I love Sister Hirata. It was a bit of a frown to say farewell. I love her. She's training a brand new sister missionary this transfer. Hilarious. She told me, "I think I will cry every night". She doesn't really know what to expect. She's a hint nervous. But I know she'll do wonderfully well. I adore her.
I heard about Lauren's graduation party!! I SO WISH I would have been there. I hear it was fabuloso. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU LAUREN QUINN!!!
Some good friends of mine left this week. They are finished with their missions. Amounst others: Sister Samuel from Pakistan &Sister Balmoi from Uganda. I ADORE them. I can't wait to visit them!! After being here since the summer, all of the people who start to leave have a bit of an attachment factor to them. I actually know who most of them are at this point. And will genuinely miss them. They've taught me so much. And I really have a lot of respect for them.
I MISS YOU BRITTNEY DAVIS & LISA ELIZONDO!!!!!!!!! I was missing you this week!!!! MUCHO GRANDE.
I am into Crystal Light lately. New flavors every week. Recently: Strawberry Kiwi. Cherry Lime. And Strawberry Orange Banana. Who knows what today will bring.
Also lately, I have really been enjoying my personal scripture study. I must say, it's a beautiful thing. I love the oppourtunity we all have to prayerfully enlist God's help. The questions I have get answered when I prayerfully ask. I like that. For example--this morning, I was curious about really who Holy Ghost was and what some of His roles are. As I cracked open the scriptures, ancient prophets were able to teach me. Through their testimonies, I was able to learn. And the best part is, the Holy Ghost, who testifies of truth, can help me understand if things are true or not. Awesome.
Moroni 10:3-5. "Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts. And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things".
I am really looking forward to see what these next few weeks will bring--other than a new batch of General Conference attendees. I can only imagine the lessons I will be learning. Thank you all so much for all the help, love and JOY!!! You are my shining stars!!
Thanks for everything!!

Until next Thursday,
Sister Harmer