Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy Clam + Crystal Light

Hey-o World!

So...lots of changes. I hope you know--I am getting pretty used to change. Ha!

This is my 6/12 transfer. And I have yet another teaching companion. This will be my 8th companion. God knows me. He knows I'm a people learner. My new companion is Sister Douglas. She's from Atlana, Georgia. Yep, she loves potatoes...and peaches. She is amazing. She's been here since December-ish. Sister Douglas is super SWEET. We've only had one day together, but I think she's getting used to my quirks. Like my obsessions with all things Denmark, Willow Street or Northern California. Or my adoration for tin foil.

I only moved one apartment over. Hot diggity dog. Yep. Very nice. And hey! Sister Douglas has a wheelchair, so the washer/dryer is a new front loading duo. NICE! I am a happy clam. Not clammy. Clam. It's dry in Salt Lake City.

Some happy birthdays are in order!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VANS!!! YAYAYAYAYAYA!!! I hope Kelsters takes you out to The Pub for a slamwich. OR...I hope someone comes into your apartment and brings you brownies. At 11:00pm. And writes on your walls. "". :) LOVE YOU!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEAN!!! HOOORRAYY!!!! What are you even doing for your birthday? Are you eating potatoes? Maybe a nice German Chocolate Potatoe cake. Or potato fondue. Scratch that. Make it Potato FUN-do. Maybe you can go to the zoo. And feed the giraffes birthday potatoes. Oh man alive. Let me know how you're doing/ what you're doing! Happy birthday!!! FELIZ CUMPLEANOS PAPAS FRITAS!! OLE!!!

So some of this weeks highlights:
I love Sister Hirata. It was a bit of a frown to say farewell. I love her. She's training a brand new sister missionary this transfer. Hilarious. She told me, "I think I will cry every night". She doesn't really know what to expect. She's a hint nervous. But I know she'll do wonderfully well. I adore her.
I heard about Lauren's graduation party!! I SO WISH I would have been there. I hear it was fabuloso. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU LAUREN QUINN!!!
Some good friends of mine left this week. They are finished with their missions. Amounst others: Sister Samuel from Pakistan &Sister Balmoi from Uganda. I ADORE them. I can't wait to visit them!! After being here since the summer, all of the people who start to leave have a bit of an attachment factor to them. I actually know who most of them are at this point. And will genuinely miss them. They've taught me so much. And I really have a lot of respect for them.
I MISS YOU BRITTNEY DAVIS & LISA ELIZONDO!!!!!!!!! I was missing you this week!!!! MUCHO GRANDE.
I am into Crystal Light lately. New flavors every week. Recently: Strawberry Kiwi. Cherry Lime. And Strawberry Orange Banana. Who knows what today will bring.
Also lately, I have really been enjoying my personal scripture study. I must say, it's a beautiful thing. I love the oppourtunity we all have to prayerfully enlist God's help. The questions I have get answered when I prayerfully ask. I like that. For example--this morning, I was curious about really who Holy Ghost was and what some of His roles are. As I cracked open the scriptures, ancient prophets were able to teach me. Through their testimonies, I was able to learn. And the best part is, the Holy Ghost, who testifies of truth, can help me understand if things are true or not. Awesome.
Moroni 10:3-5. "Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts. And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things".
I am really looking forward to see what these next few weeks will bring--other than a new batch of General Conference attendees. I can only imagine the lessons I will be learning. Thank you all so much for all the help, love and JOY!!! You are my shining stars!!
Thanks for everything!!

Until next Thursday,
Sister Harmer