Saturday, May 14, 2011

Green Socks

Sweet Sassy Molassy,

I have the best family and friends in the whole world. Man. Well, for starters, it was a treat to speak with the family on Mother's Day. Ridiculous. Party line for sure. Mom. Dad. Nicole. Brett. Big Mac gurgles and Lauren Quinnmeister to top it off. That was a pretty fabulous chunk of my life. Thanks. (I love that you took notes Mom. You're so funny)

Truth be told, I am exhausted every day. The constant tiredness doesn't come alone. Lessons and miracles are usually attached.

Some thank yous to Tiffany, Mandi, Brett!!!, Paige, Kjestine, Stephanie, Sean, Jennie, Grandma & Grandpas, Margaret, Lauren.....SO many of you. Seriously. THANK YOU!! I can't tell you enough how grateful I am to hear from you. I will do my very best to get back to you sooner than later. I am so proud of all of you and all the things you're doing in life!! I feel so grateful to even be associated with you. Truth.

Steph--tell me where Michael will go!! Hooray!! And ask your mom--but I saw Jonathan!! Hagerman's!! Yeee!!! You're a babe. Seriously. Thanks for the pictures. And yes, being friends with your VB players is more important than coaching them. "Limited Too anyone? Who's with me!?! My treat!!"

Brett!!! I am so sorry for not writing you more!! Seriously!! UGH!! I am a terrible friend!! But hey, no one is holding me against my will. You're hilarious.

HEY! And is my internal clock correct in saying that its NCYLS time??? Ugh. I love NCYLS. A giant slice of my heart is in San Leandro right now.

Well. Let's just get to some of the high lights of this week.
•Jim from Alabama!! This guy is hilarious. He came onto Temple Square with a jolly laugh, baseball cap and a camera. Can we say Craig Harmer much? It gets better. Her was a former boy scout!! Oh my gosh. Enter my shameless plug for those green socks. Yep. I told him that we gave Dad a hard time about the socks. But hey, we were impressed when he could rattle off the 14 or 15 things a boy scout is. Prepared, loyal and helpful, amongst others. Man, he was great. (I say "man" a lot, don't I? You'd think I was Holden Caufield....). He told us about how he LOVES Jesus Christ. But hey. He does not want to be Mormon-Christian, Baptist-Christian, Lutheran-Christian, Presbyterian-Christian, Methodist-Christian, or even Jewish-Christian (I know, I had a question-mark floating over my head too). He just wants to be Christian. Christ-Christian. He thinks there is way too much "people" in the way of the doctrines of Jesus Christ. Well folks, I agree with Mr. Jim on that. What a beautiful thing personal revelation is! I love it. There are pieces of truth in all religions--not just within the realm of Christianity. I am convinced that its through personal revelation that anyone can sift through and figure out what's true and what's not. Tough. But possible.
•We met a couple from Denmark! Psych. Norway!! But close enough.... Hey. They were AMAZING. 30s. Known each other for about 7 years. Just gems. Scandinavian sense of humor. I'll tell you what...refreshing. We walked up to the statue of Christ in the North Visitor's Center together. Here, we have a 1-minute narration (of things Christ said from scriptures). Yep tons of different languages. Norwegian anyone? Seriously, the feeling in that room was pretty special. Hearing things like, "Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me" (Doctrine & Covenants 19:23). Really special. Brought me back to Scandinavia. Spiritual boost.
•Here is my favorite new video from The First Step.
I love you all more than I can cyberly express. Mucho.

Love love love.

Thanks for everything!!
Sistah Harmerilski