Sunday, August 14, 2011

35 Acre Pop-up Book


  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY Grandpa Harmer!!! Hope you got to celebrate with homemade ice cream!! Or at least celebrated with a pioneer parade or two.

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lisa Elizondo!!!!!! LIIIiiiiiSSsssSSSSaaaAAAAaAAaA!!!! Preciosa. Nieta. Amiga. Amor. Numbero uno. I love you so much!! Whenever I meet people from anywhere near Southern California, I mention you. "Oh yeah! Heard of Escondido? My friend Lisa's from there!!" I can't wait to have lunch with you to sit and talk about our year and a half's worth of adventures. When do you finish with the credential program? Have you already? You'll be getting some love to your Escondido address soon!!!

Monkey backpacks

  • One of the most popular things from our 5 million Temple Square visitors is the Monkey Backpack. My children will not wear monkey backpacks. If you haven't heard of them, let me explain. You put this monkey-looking-like backpack on your 2-6 year old. You make them think they're a big kid wearing a back back. But, here's the kicker, you attach a coard to it that keeps your kid within a short radius or you. No loosing children with this trap. Here's my favorite comment about the monkey backpacks:
    Me:Why hello there you! Looks like you've got a monkey on your back.
    The "cool young uncle" trailing behind his brother and sister-in-law: "It's a tail!.... it's really a leash....".

Sister Yao

  • She was a Taiwanese cheerleader in high school. Favorite cheer: "Go, Fight, Win!"

  • We left the house one day. She looks at me and with a sincere twinkle in her eye says, "Wow Sister Harmer. You look so cute today. Like a high school student". :) Oh multicultural living....gotta love it.

Boundaries, but no limits

  • Met a really sweet Mom and daughter duo yesterday. Sally and Jennifer From Nebraska. The daughter is about to serve a mission in Chicago, Illinois. The mom is Catholic. Single mom. Just the two of them their whole lives. They've sacrificed so much for each other, so the next 18 months are going to be a little hard for them. When I asked the mom how she felt when her daughter joined the LDS church, she said, "well, I've always given my daughter healthy boundaries, but never limits. I support and love her more than anything. Perhaps she just found something I couldn't offer her". I respect that woman so much. I corrected her last comment though. I am a firm believer that BECAUSE of the things that Sally has taught Jennifer, Jennifer is that much more motivated to continue that relationship for eternity. That's what's fueling these 18 months for her. Ditto.


  • At Temple Square, we get to call friends or families of guests that visit and invite them to learn more about the history or basic beliefs of our faith--upon request of course. Because we call all over the world, we hear all sorts of things when we call. One of my favorite new trends is this "ringback" thing. So when you call, you hear a song. My favorite new ringback: "Makes Me Wanna Take the Back Roads". Love that!

The Garden & dessert

  • Earlier this week, I went to the roof of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It was so nice to be there with Sister Yao and 2 other sister missionaries, Sister Wilde from Canada and Sister Tizhanina from Russia. They reflected on how their testimonies have grown as they've served another full time. We got to look down at Temple Square (you remember that view Steph...). I couldn't help but feel so overwhelmingly grateful for the past year. I've learned so much. I have grown so much. I thought about all the different people and experienced that have happened on that sacred ground. I am grateful for how much more I appreciate the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and what that really means to me. It's taken a year and a giant 35-acre pop-up book for me to get to where I am. And I am looking forward to continuing the journey.

Next week....Wednesday is the start of Transfer #10 (of 12). I'll let you all know details when I e-mail next Tuesday.
Have a wonderful week!!
Sister Amy