Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Money can't buy me love...but it can buy me marshmallows, which are pretty much the same thing.

Ahhhhhh...People of the World!! (I love the Spice Girls....)

Kneader's is delicious. It's one of my Utah favorites. Seriously. I'd say it's been about 1 year prior to serving here that I realized how much I cared about Kneader's. It's a bakery. Utah. Wonderful. Cinnamon rolls that are simply divine. And the warm dinner rolls remind me of Grandma Davis. Anything that reminds me of Grandma Davis is going to be a hit.

We had a Zone Leader training this week @ President Holmes' home. It was incredible. I learned so much. Sister Holmes has a darling thing on her wall that says: "Money can't buy me love...but it can buy me marshmallows, which are pretty much the same thing."

Ghana!! Yep. We have had the delight and privilege of speaking with people in Ghana this week. Sister Maneha and I called Michael in Kumasi, Ghana. He's wonderful. I was calling on behalf of his friend, Corrine, who we met at Temple Square. She used to live there for school for a while. They had had some conversations about faith, The Book of Mormon and about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But to her chagrin, hasn't really been in touch with him too much since she left in the summer time. WELL, I called Michael and he was wonderful. Go figure, I had just called him while he was reading The Book of Mormon and watching Oprah!! We are insta-friends! My two favorite things to do. He then told me that he wants to go and attend my church. Then he stopped. Corrected himself and said, "No no. This is not your church. This is not my church. This is The Church of Jesus Christ". Well said Michael. AND....they do have a temple in Accra, Ghana.

Last night= DANISH tour! 21 people. Torben wants a copy of the Book of Mormon in danish from missionaries.

I know this is a super short e-mail this week, but honestly, I feel so grateful for the privledge it is to serve here. I am learning so much about important things in life. People. Perspective. Priorities. Plans.

Watch THIS about a family that comes together when tradgedy strikes. I thought about 3 places: San Jose, Denmark and Rohnert Park. (Opportunities to Do Good)

Thank you all so much for supporting me through it.
I love you all!
The Amy