Sunday, April 7, 2013

2013. Time to Tech In.

Why hello there World! 

It's been a while since I've strolled through my blog world. True story: my 2013 New Year's resolution has been to "get with it" technologically. Subsequently, in 2013, I have created (or resurrected) an Instagram profile, Pinterest account, LinkedIn account and have Googled my brains out--Google Calendar, Google Drive...I love them all! Now I'm back to the ol' blogerooski. I suppose this is my way of journaling. Cyyyybbbeerrr journal. So cool. Techno. I'm about to head off to sleep, but I figured I'd make a simple entry. The very best of journaling. GRATITUDE. I'm super grateful today. And I LOVE gratitude....and I don't care who knows it. And shamelessly, I love bullet points.

Today, right now, I am grateful for: 
  1. The goodness that is the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yep...I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints...I'm a Mormon.
  2. The Awkward Family Photo Company--I love the board game. And that one-a-day calendar is a hoot.
  3. My famous sister Nicole.
  4. My mentors. I love them. Mama, Dad, Nicole, Brett, Mckenzie!, Margaret, Heather, Mo, Uncle Dan, Dale, Vicky, Will, John, Vicki, Brent, Kathryn, Bobbi, Claire, Dan, Sarah, Yang, Martin, Eric, Sue, Mara, Sweens, Patti...the list is ENDLESS. It really does take a village for this girl.
  5. Healthy, Happy Relationships (friends and family)
  6. DENMARK!!!!!
  7. My dear ones!! Brett, Brittney, Tiffany, Lisa, Sarah, Jennie, Steph, Paige, Alex, Elyse, Holly,  Maire, Erin, Marinna, Inez, Kjestine, Hiromi, Niina, Andrea, Shelly, Jenna Rosie, Whitney, Tamarra, Sloane, Jenna, Kathryn, Maria, Emily, ...
  8. College Freshmen
  9. NCYLS
  10. Orchids
  11. J-Lo
  12. Fresh strawberries. You know...the juicy, dark red, fresh from Watsonville kind.
  13. Sonoma State University--I miss the simplicity of my life there, as uncertain as it was. I'm missing that pool in Beau...and know.
  14. CSU-East Bay. The refreshing array of diversity. And all of the new vocabulary I've learned this year. :) 
  15. Lauren Quinnfeld. "No colors. No wind. No Clue"
  16. President and Sister Holmes. 
  17. The INCREDIBLE women who I had the privilege to serve with for 18 months as a volunteer missionary at Temple Square.
  18. Authentic, fresh and simply delicious food.
  19. This blog about this crying baby.
  20. This talk from LDS Primary General President Rosemary Wixom about being a positive influence in the lives of children. 
  21. Clean water
  22. Toothpaste
Viva la blog. I'll do my best to get this on the regular. Here's lookin' at you kid!