Monday, January 17, 2011


I am such a baby. (Shameless plug for Big Mac. Hey...I'm trying to relate).

I have been a little tearful lately. I think it's a combination of a lot of things. I just got over my cold. Let me tell you, cold + being a missionary = anti-climatic. But I'm back to 100%. Healthy happy. So, naturally, I'm super grateful. I have been trying to have a better attitude about everything. And not just "oh happy happy..." but like, grateful. Noticing the blessings in my life. And appreciating them. The people and the experiences in my life.

Yep. So that leads me to today. New transfer. Starting Wednesday, I will be in Transfer #5 (of 12). Can you believe it? Wow. There are lots of Sister missionaries who have just finished their missions who I will miss mucho grande amounts. Amongst others, Sister Cumins, So-Cal (Carly Rodrigues' old college room mate) and Sister Everett (my last companion from Hawaii). Ugh. I guess it's more like....see you soon! ROAD TRIP in 1 year!! YEEE!!!

Here's the new scoop:
Living situation: SAME APARTMENT! (AKA no needing to move. If you know me, you know how stoked I am about this. I can't even begin to tell you. Tears of joy).
Companion: Sister Hirata (from JAPAN!!) Yay! Word on the street--errr...the square--is that she is the sweetest thing. I don't really know her well. She is currently serving in Washington for her "outbound assignment". So...I'm excited to get to know her! And serve with her! DOMO ALIGATO!!
Assignment: We are in a zone called "Extended". I'm not sure my specific assignment yet. I could be working at Welfare Square, the Humanitarian Center, one of the desks, or a plethora of other things. I'll find out Wednesday...
New Preparation Day: SATURDAY
Sister Kemsley---She's heading out to Georgia for her outbound assignment!! She gets back early April. But I'm going to miss this woman's presence. Truth.
Enough of the stuffy logistics...on to the juicy stuff:
Uhhh...Bella (my precious dog) has a husband? Who is this Bailey character? I am so excited for the puppies!! March? Yay! I hope he dotes on that little lady. Did you paint her nails? So fabulous. All the best to the happy couple!
I was cracking up. Ransacking a 86 year old woman for those homemade raviolis? You would. I can see it now! "STOP THE CAR!!!" I love my family.
This week, a group of about 15 boy scouts from South Carolina came to Temple Square with their leaders. No one in the group really knew much about the church, more or less Temple Square. But oh man...we all hit it off with the whole boy scout connection. I proudly informed them of Dad's involvement with the boy scouts over the years and made a very supportive comment to the green socks that complete the Boy Scout experience. TO WHICH, one of the scruffy boys presented his wool green socks. Thank you Boy Scouts. Always prepared.
Sister Kinman and I met a man from Australia this week. Happy really nice guy. 2 kids back home in Sydney and a wonderful wife. He was so curious about us and our faith. He asked us why we would leave our families for 18 months. "Isn't it hard for you to be away from them for so long?" Ha! OF COURSE! Especially when my sister (and dog) are having babies. Or when people I love pass away. Or when friends graduate. Or when people have birthdays. Or anniversaries. Or weddings. Or Saturday mornings at the Farmer's market. Or boring Tuesday afternoons in March. Yeah I miss all of that. Yeah it's hard. But honestly, the blessings I am receiving for this short period of service, far outweigh the sacrifices. I told Mr. Australia about a sign I had taped next to my door growing up in high school. It said, "What are you willing to sacrifice for something better?" Everything I am sacrificing, I'll see, or talk to, or visit again. But the lessons I'm learning, the experiences I'm having, and the character I'm developing....those are things that cost sacrifice in order to gain. Introspective. No?
Well, time is short. I must go. Alas. Love is in my little heart for all. Fare thee well! I must start brushing up on my Japanese!! :) YAY!!!

With sincerity and greatest devotion (and a dash of sass...)