Parties are over. It's the new year. The lights at Temple Square are off. But the magic of Temple Square stays on. This has been an incredible week. I've come to realize that weeks 4 and 5 are really the best of each transfer. That's when the work really catches on fire. Thank you all for the updates from home. My family has also experienced lots of death the past few weeks. A close family friend and my grandpa's brother both passed away. It's beautiful to know about the plan that Heavenly Father has for us. It's reassuring to hear that there is so much support for each other back there. I feel SO blessed to have you all in my life. Seriously. It's a beautiful thing to have so many diverse, incredible, talented, sassy and supportive people in my life. I loved hearing about all of the GOOD that's been happening amongst all of the recent events in our lives. Thank you for your examples of pure charity.
Well, here's one for the books.....
This is the funniest story of the week. So, I got to talk with a member of the church on the phone. HILARIOUS. He's from Texas. 67 years old. He needed some help getting in touch with the missionaries out in Massachusetts. When I asked him what for, oh boy...did he have a story.~~~~I shall paraphrase: "Well. I saw this guy at the airport a few weeks ago. He was there. Sitting. And a woman (who I assume was also a Mormon) was showing him her copy of the LDS Hymn book. There is no other book I know that's that color of green. Nope. Don't know of any other one. Well, I went over there and asked him if he'd like his own copy of the hymn book. He smiled and said how he would love that, as he recognized some of the songs from his own church. Well, I got his address, and I happily sent him his own copy of the hymn book. But I didn't stop there. I thought I'd be nice and I sent him his own copy of the Book of Mormon, the Gospel Doctrine manual, the Family Proclamation, and the Living Christ. Funny thing is, they don't just send one copy of the Family Proclamation or Living Christ...they only come in 25 packs. So, I was hoping he'd share with his friends and neighbors.......".
Yep. That happened. Made my week. So funny. So sincere. Real. (Here's links to the copy of the "Family Proclamation", and the "Living Christ" documents for your personal reading delight).
Also, they started taking down the nativity sets here at Temple Square. Me, I'm a bit of a chatty Kathy. So I struck up a conversation with the maintenance crew people. The first day of the take down, they had already packed away the baby Jesus, and some of the sheep. I said, "Whew. Christmas is over. It looks like the baby Jesus is the first to get packed up, eh?" Actually, come to find out....the night before, someone kidnapped the statue. Yikes! Looks like someone wanted to keep the spirit of Christmas for themselves. Uh-oh....
ALSO...I really liked this video on this week. It's all about a lady named Sally. She keeps it real.
We met a man on the square this week named Herb. He taught me the biggest lesson. He was so nice. After talking to him for a while, we came to find out that he has been baptized in 3 different christian churches! THREE! He thinks he'll be covered when he makes it to the other side. His life reaffirmed my testimony of the restored gospel. We were able to share with him our unique message. He wasn't interested in learning more back home in upstate New York with his local missionaries (he seemed a little jaded by all the baptisms). But, we had the opportunity to help him understand just a hint more about the lost power from God that has been restored to the earth.
I keep learning (and stretching...even if it's uncomfortable) every single day. THANK YOU for everything! Please let me know if I can do anything for you!
I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! Thanks for everything!!
Ahhmee Harmizzle.
P.S. Are you there Big Mac? February ___? If it's anywhere near Valentine's day, can we get Big Mac to be my Valentine? Thank you. That'd be great.